Decorating Your Walls with the Perfect Wall Art Size and Placement

Decorating Your Walls with the Perfect Wall Art Size and Placement

Are you looking to add some personality to your walls but unsure of the right size and placement for your wall art? Look no further, as we have compiled some helpful tips and tricks to guide you through the process of choosing and placing wall art in your home.

1.Proportion is Key

When choosing the size of your wall art, it's important to consider the proportion of the art to the wall it will be displayed on. A general rule of thumb is to use the following formula for a single piece of art:

Wall Width x 0.57 = Ideal Width of Wall Art

If you are hanging a set of art pieces, treat each piece as an individual and use the same formula for each one.


2.Height Matters

The height at which you hang your art is just as important as the size. Hanging your art too high can throw off the balance of the room, while hanging it too low can make it uncomfortable to view. One popular method is to use the museum hanging technique, which involves hanging your art with the center at eye level (approximately 145cm from the ground).

3.Consider the Space

The right size and placement of your wall art can make all the difference in your space. If your room already has a lot of furniture and decor, consider a larger piece of art to create a focal point and give the eye a place to rest. For smaller spaces, a smaller piece of art or a set of smaller pieces can add visual interest without overwhelming the room.

4.Different Areas, Different Rules

Each area of your home may have different considerations when it comes to hanging wall art. Here are some tips for specific areas:

  • Above a Sofa: Choose a piece of art or a set of art that is two-thirds the width of the sofa, and hang it 15-20cm above the top of the sofa.
  • Above a Fireplace: Choose a piece of art or a set of art that is two-thirds the width of the fireplace, and hang it 10-30cm above the top of the fireplace.
  • In the Dining Room: Hang your art slightly lower than eye level, as people will be sitting down while viewing it.
  • In a Loft Space: Consider hanging your art 7-10cm higher than your comfortable eye level to balance out the tall space.
  • On a Staircase: Use the museum hanging technique, but also consider aligning the bottom of the art with a diagonal line created by every third step.

5.Hanging Techniques

Once you have chosen the perfect size and placement for your wall art, it's time to hang it up. There are different hanging techniques to consider, including:

  • Salon Hanging: Using different sizes and proportions of art to create a visually striking display.
  • Grid Hanging: Aligning a set of smaller pieces of art in a grid pattern.
  • Balanced Hanging: Ensuring equal spacing between each piece of art and balancing any gaps with furniture or lighting.

In conclusion, choosing the right size and placement of wall art can be a daunting task, but following these simple tips can help you create a visually pleasing and balanced space that reflects your unique style.

Finally, a few of the most popular decorative paintings are recommended:  Yinglimei gallery hot selling

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